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Most of the Spiritual Teachers in this planet are proud to tell people that they love unconditionally. But this is usually very far from the truth. The most honest statement that Marta can make is to say that learning, practising and promoting unconditional love in this world, to the best of her abilities, is one of her goals. We are all in this together and love has no labels or conditions. Helping people, events, activities, that encourage acceptance, love, dignity and equality of all races, genders and ethnicities (as long as there's kindness and respect for everybody) is one of her ways of doing that. The other ones (seemingly smaller but not less important), are shown in a day to day practice. 

Since 2017, Marta's been a volunteer for Pride Glasgow and Pride Edinburgh. On 2018, she held a stall where she helped to promote acceptance and love in all its forms, by giving away the self-love bags that she designed especially for the event. 

While supporting Pride, she has supported and is willing to support other initiatives where Pride is free for everyone, as this is what Pride should be.


Marta was part of the team of Glasgow Women’s Library’s History Detective volunteers, in the Stride with Pride workshop in 2019. She helped to create the LGBTQ+ Heritage Trail, a map that highlights some of the people, places and spaces that have been a part of Glasgow’s LGBTQ+ heritage and history.



Since 2016, Marta is one of the Pinklobster's Team Members and blogger. In her posts, she uses teachings based on the law of attraction, on psychology and on metaphysics, to empower women to love themselves, and to help them to manifest love in their lives. 


Expressing yourself is key to freeing, to accepting and to understanding all aspects of you. Writing is a great way for doing that and it's one of Marta's passions. She loves inspiring others with her words.


But that's not it. Marta does other jobs, has other likes, expresses herself in lots of different ways and keeps creating what her heart feels inspired to do.


Remember that we are not defined by our job or our career. We've been trained to believe that we are what we've studied, what we work at or what we're paid for. And that's not us. We are multifaceted beings. We are more than one label, we do more than that job. So if for instance you love being a waitress or a waiter, that's not the only thing that you are or you do. You might also grow vegetables, paint, sing, babysit. All of them are also jobs, activities and likes. And all of them are also you. 

We are the sinergy of all our parts together, and even then, we are more than that.

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